Tuesday, 21 March 2017

This little collage is from an hours family photo shoot in the studio in Tonbridge, Some years ago if you wanted something like this you would visit a well known branded studio that would offer a free or almost free shoot then following the shoot you were offered credit to purchase your images.

Well photography has come along way and I think it's taking a turning point, many people who brought digital SLR's suddenly became photographers, it is common thought that loads of people are happy to pay through the nose for their photographer but soon enough these people realize it's not as easy as all that.

To survive you have to have a hand in everything, you have to be able to be flexible and most of all you have to be able to be, a photographer, a web builder, a designer, a photo shop expert, have people skills, marketing knowledge, update equipment on a regular basis, know your equipment, learn new skills all the time, be an accountant, I really could go on.

What this all has to do with the collage above is that in the shot there are several different lighting set ups (no natural light) I shot, I kept everyone happy (including the kids) I then edited the shots and created a gallery with about 60 images from the shoot, all of this takes time and to be fair to my clients the shoot was a reasonable fee and included prints.

If you would like to know you are in safe hands then book a professional with good feedback.

To find out more about my services checkout my websites www.mattjamesphotography.co.uk and www.sevenoaks-photography.co.uk or get in touch.

Thanks for reading.


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