Saturday, 4 April 2015

photographers kent

visit my new website
Hi there, I have finished the new documentary website now and would love some feedback on how it looks and the content or any suggestions you may have.
my exsisting site is still up and running and is the main focus of my business (excuse the pun) but I wanted an offering that pointed at a different client.

There are so many 'photographers' out there now and some clients simply cant see the difference between them, to others the difference is obvious, well the clinets that recognise the obvious difference, these are the ones that this is pointed at.

I'm not in any way saying wht other photographers offer is bad, after all its all about perception and if you are happy with what you receive then fantastic, but as a photographer myself who is constantly trying to acheive better images and as a guitarist in a band (we write our own music) this theme follows through whatever I do.

So if you have a chance then give me some feedback on the new site please.

and at the same time you can still visit

Matt James Photography

thanks for reading


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