Monday, 30 December 2013

Who to use for your Baby portraits? shoots from as little as.... free, contact me for more information - Baby photoshoots

Ok One of my brides contacted me over the Christmas period and informed me they have a baby, I shot over and took some wonderful pictures at home for the couple and they were really happy, so I want to offer this to all those who have just had a baby, the shoot can be at home or the studio but at home its comfortable and all Baby's toys are there as well I believe it's less distressing for the Baby.
Your shoot could be free! depending on where you are in the UK, and after you can purchase your photos or digital images and to give you an idea this client purchased all the 229 images in her gallery for just £230! copyright free

If you don't have that budget don't panic you can just purchase prints from just £5!

so contact me on 07930 041105 or email to book your shoot but hurry as limited spaces are available in January and February

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