Ok, If anyone finds this blog the picture is nothing to do with this edition, its just a nice beach in Jamaica where I shot a recient wedding, this blog is about-Photo Booth hire - photography studio hire - photography lessons - models wanted TFCD
Photo booth hire in Kent - ok I have built my own booth and purchased software to run the booth and it works a dream, now I am on version 3 of my booth and it rocks, with a pentium 15 computer runing the system and top end Sony dye sub printer - it comes with a dress up box as well with funny hats and glasses etc
if you want the booth experience but have limited room the the booth frame (this sits on a desktop) will work just as well
Photography studio hire - I have a studio in Tonbridge and lots of my owrk is out and about, so if there are budding photographers out there who want to use a studio the I can arrange reasonable rates for you contact me on 07939 041105
Photography lessons - lots of people have nice cameras now, I see it at weddings, but what I also see is the camera set on auto (the green button) no way are you getting the best from your camera so why not book some lessons mthi smay be cheaper than you think and could make a great present
Models wanted in Sevenoaks and Kent and surrounding areas such as Bromley, Westerham, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and anywhere in Kent, if you have transport then you can even be from London, why do I need TFCD models and how will TFCD benefit you, Well I am putting on an exhibion next year and need to create some art to show off and sell and unfortunatly a drive of mine with some important shots on died and I need to start again, I especially need Japanese, Chinese or Asian models but all are welcome, at the time it is specifically ladies I am, looking for but if the right male model appears I may change my tune call 07939 041105 to enquire, this will be weekdays or evenings as most of my weekends are booked up
any way I do hope someone sees this blog and if you have why not pop me an email across to let me know and perhaps let me know what you would like to see me write about
cheers for now