Monday, 30 December 2013

Who to use for your Baby portraits? shoots from as little as.... free, contact me for more information - Baby photoshoots

Ok One of my brides contacted me over the Christmas period and informed me they have a baby, I shot over and took some wonderful pictures at home for the couple and they were really happy, so I want to offer this to all those who have just had a baby, the shoot can be at home or the studio but at home its comfortable and all Baby's toys are there as well I believe it's less distressing for the Baby.
Your shoot could be free! depending on where you are in the UK, and after you can purchase your photos or digital images and to give you an idea this client purchased all the 229 images in her gallery for just £230! copyright free

If you don't have that budget don't panic you can just purchase prints from just £5!

so contact me on 07930 041105 or email to book your shoot but hurry as limited spaces are available in January and February

Monday, 22 July 2013

Cooling Castle Barn wedding gallery and Brad/index.html

this is a full wedding gallery from a wedding I shot at Cooling Castle Barn
shot by me matt james photography couples looking to get married there can contact me for a free pre wedding shoot a sort of try before you buy
you can email me direct or contact 07939 041105

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Photo Booth hire - photography studio hire - photography lessons - models wanted TFCD

Ok, If anyone finds this blog the picture is nothing to do with this edition, its just a nice beach in Jamaica where I shot a recient wedding, this blog is about-Photo Booth hire - photography studio hire - photography lessons - models wanted TFCD

Photo booth hire in Kent - ok I have built my own booth and purchased software to run the booth and it works a dream, now I am on version 3 of my booth and it rocks, with a pentium 15 computer runing the system and top end Sony dye sub printer - it comes with a dress up box as well with funny hats and glasses etc

if you want the booth experience but have limited room the the booth frame (this sits on a desktop) will work just as well

Photography studio hire - I have a studio in Tonbridge and lots of my owrk is out and about, so if there are budding photographers out there who want to use a studio the I can arrange reasonable rates for you contact me on 07939 041105

Photography lessons - lots of people have nice cameras now, I see it at weddings, but what I also see is the camera set on auto (the green button) no way are you getting the best from your camera so why not book some lessons mthi smay be cheaper than you think and could make a great present

Models wanted in Sevenoaks and Kent and surrounding areas such as Bromley, Westerham, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and anywhere in Kent, if you have transport then you can even be from London, why do I need TFCD models and how will TFCD benefit you, Well I am putting on an exhibion next year and need to create some art to show off and sell and unfortunatly a drive of mine with some important shots on died and I need to start again, I especially need Japanese, Chinese or Asian models but all are welcome, at the time it is specifically ladies I am, looking for but if the right male model appears I may change my tune call 07939 041105 to enquire, this will be weekdays or evenings as most of my weekends are booked up

any way I do hope someone sees this blog and if you have why not pop me an email across to let me know and perhaps let me know what you would like to see me write about

cheers for now


Friday, 24 May 2013

Grant Thornton at the Cutty Sark

this was an amazing afternoon and evening, we met at the London Eye to board the Barracuda to Greenwich, all day it had been grey and wet then as if someone was on our side the blue sky appeared during the duration of our boat trip to Greenwich.

On arrival the partners were met y fantastic staff at the attraction and we were led underneath the Tea Clipper where the most amazing layout would have complimented any wedding

my job was all reportage, no posed shots just tell the story of the event and capture the networking and location details.

If you look through the gallery I think its safe to say...job done :-) Really pleased with these images even though a motherboard broke on the 5d last night that will cost £400 to have mended

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

A really nice gallery set from a pre wedding shoot today at St Julians Club in Sevenoaks, if anyone is looking for a great venue with really friendly staff and great food and views then you can't go far wrong with St Julians Club.
This shoot was the free pre booking shoot I provide for my potential wedding clients, this gives them a chance to see how I work and the photos I take of them before they book me, I don't think many full time professional photographers offer this
All photos owned and copyright property of matt james photography

St Julians Club Pre Wedding ShootSt Julians Club Pre Wedding Shoot

Lounge on the Farm

Lounge on the Farm
Some stills I shot a couple of years ago, the light is caused by a big thing called he sun, we may see it again one day ?
Music by my band Octave Dr's
This is a little different from my normal posts - enjoy

Monday, 18 March 2013

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Event photography gallery

Priestfield Pharmacy Ball 14th March 2013Priestfield Pharmacy Ball 14th March 2013

Ok event photography was the order of the evening last night and yes I have all the images up already!
it was a great event put on by Aine Hackett Vice president of the Medway Pharmacy Students Association
at Priestfield football stadium in Gillingham, the venue looked stunning and people were in great sprits and by the end of the evening had also consumed some great sprits and a few beers!

I set up a studio area and shot a few reportage images of the events awards and speaches and everyone had a great time, later on in the evening I pulled out a dress up box with silly glasses and hats for people to have some fun

well look at he gallery and see for your self what a great event it was

I look forward to the next event with these guys and wish them all the best with the next part of their journey

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Goudhurst Today

I am off to Goudhurst today to meet with a couple who are getting married, as you may have seen on this blog I offer a free pre booking shoot to my clients before they book me for their wedding photography.

This is where we wander around for a short time just half an hour or so is all it takes and they get to see how I work, I then host a gallery of the images like this one
and they can then decide if they want to book me, these shoots a pretty popular, I guess the price is right.. free

I am amazed that people book their photographer based on nice shots of other people, still it's just my take on things.

Though its wet today the light is great, it has a certian metalic feel to it and there are almost no shadows out there so the shots will be great

Saturday, 23 February 2013 shoot/

Well Lots of people ask if I just shoot weddings and the reply is no, I am a full time photographer so shoot pretty much anything, these are a set from a tutorial shoot in my studio, the model is not a model and these were intermitant shots I took while showing the other photographer lighting set ups

Its great fun and interesting as well and the comments I received from the other photographer were interesting, she said 'I thought studio work would be easyer than other stuff I have done but actually it's harder!

There are lots of 'photographers' using commercial equipment and Ipad apps to edit their shots, lesson learnt for the day.... that is not how it works

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Anne-Marie & Nick wedding at St James's Church and High Rocks Tunbridge Wells

Anne-Marie & Nick

Heres a link to a nice wedding shot at St James's Church then on to High Rocks Tunbridge Wells
I was with the bride and groom all day from preperation through to the first dance and some beyond
unlike many I don't contract times I just approach the couple and ask if they are happy and Nick and Anne Marie were very pleased
have a look and put your speakers on